Tamer Ji
Name: Yasuke Nomura
Height: 6'
Weight: 190 pounds
Hair: Black
Ethnicity: Draconian
Place of birth: Landis Guild
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Nathan Fields (Father), An Ji (Mother)
Education: “Ph.D in Geological Science” Master Geo-Analyst at Geo-Inculcation or Geo Conservatory of inculcation (GCI)
Aliases/nicknames: The Betelguese Creator, The Arch-Demon
Best known for: Creating the Betelguese Tournaments to give the people a chance to earn rank and more goods to trade to help their provinces. Affectively ending the T.E.W. War and doing the worst.
Fighting Styles: Mastered Sambo and Hapkido styles of combat (these fighting styles are now considered archaic, he is known for the being a studier of the ancient arts) a huge nerd and prick with knowing the knowledge of marital arts
Skills/abilities: Brillant strategist and Businessman (with his family's wealth and power before the war and his own ambitious prowess; he used this platform to help him move through the ranks in the Draconian Army. Effectively becoming a general along with Vergil Walker and went on to create the Betelguese Tournaments)
Ambitions: To rule everything that as an Arch-Demon
Brief personal history: Born in a life of luxury. Tamer only knew a comfortable life even in the warring provinces. But he was never satisfied. And appreciated
nothing. He would feel no connection to his family. Hated to be told no and almost killed his parents. His family where scientists during the influx of the barter system coming back after the T.E.W. War ended. With his family owning most of the world's geographical and bartered history, he had a wide range of knowledge to pull from. Hierarchy through trade was the way of life, and his family stood on top. Tamer felt like the world was at his fingertips and will do anything to obtain his goals. He started his own trading company, to rival and eventually take over the world in own means. Take’s over his father’s company and kills him off.