Quinn McGowan
Quinn McGowan started LEGENDS PRESS Comics, in part to tell the story of kids like the ones from his neighborhood who had the will (and deserved the right) to save the world– and to evoke the joy the comes from all great tales.
Though a storyteller at heart, The Project: WILDFIRE creator’s efforts in the medium as a visual artist garnered a Ringo Award for a story featuring super heroine Faze in the MINE anthology for Planned Parenthood from ComicMix. His reputation as a solid Penciler/Inker led to work with writers like Geoffrey Thorne (Free Agents), Brandon Easton (Retailiation), regular contributor status on David Walker‘s Discombobulated and organizational partnerships like BWHI (Luna Unleashed) While the ongoing partnership with Hannibal Tabu spans everything from WILDFIRE and SOTIM to Noir Is The New Black.
In addition to overseeing media adaptations of Project: WILDFIRE, McGowan is bookrunner on WarBear, Normal Tennessee, Restless as well as senior editor of StarMan and Legend of the BlackFist.
For more on Quinn’s work and art style: